Monthly Archives: October 2011

Blog Celebrations!

Well done everyone,

The new History Blog has proven to be a run-away success! Since its launch on Monday 19th October 2011 we have had 538 views and 55 comments posted. Long may this continue, its success depends on your support! Keep up the good work.

Mrs Reid.


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Filed under KS3 History, KS4 History

Year 11: History wiki

Hi everyone

Please work on your Stresemann Movie Maker presentations over your Half-term holidays; try to plan and edit your presentation using the wiki

Team 1 – Kimberley & Jessica

Team 2 – Callum & Thomas

Team 3 – Victoria & Rachel

Team 4 – Neil & Adam

Team 5 – Timothy & Jonathan

Go onto the wiki account, click projects and click on your team page. When you open your page, click edit and post your ideas, website links, or up load files. Use your worksheet to help you. When you have edited your page, click save. Your team members can add to/edit the page too. Make sure they have signed up to the wiki account.

Good luck

Mrs Reid

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Filed under KS4 History, Year 11

Year 10: Titanic Essay Deadline

Hi everyone in 10X & 10A

Your History essay – Why was the sinking of Titanic such a memorable event of the 20th century? is due on Thursday 10 November 2011. It is worth doing well as it forms part of your Christmas exam mark. Think carefully about what makes a good History essay – introduction, structured paragraphs and conclusion. Take time and do it well – plan, edit and redraft your work if necessary before submitting your final version.

Good luck – I look forward to reading your work!

Mrs Reid


Filed under KS3 History, Year 10

Year 9: Significant Events

Hi everyone

You have just completed an enquiry and presentation on significant events from the period, 1500-1700. Which do you think was the most significant event and why? What criteria did you use to help you reach your decision?

Good luck – We look forward to reading your comments!

Mrs Reid & Mr Burnett


Filed under KS3 History, Year 9

Year 11 – The Stresemann Years, 1924-1929

Hello everyone

You have been asked to research the ‘Golden Twenties’ of Weimar Germany and to produce a Moviemaker presentation for your teacher explaining how far Germany’s situation had improved since 1924.

As you will be working in pairs, you will be expected to work together as a team; planning and editing your work as you progress. Use the new History Wiki account – to collaborate and exchange your group’s ideas. You will present your findings to the class after the Halloween holidays. You must also be prepared to answer any probing questions raised by your report. Your teacher and your class members will all assess your presentation.

You will also be required to evaluate the Wiki’s usefulness as part of your self-evaluation process at the end of the enquiry.

Good luck!

Mrs Reid

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Filed under KS4 History, Year 11

Year 8: Steve Jobs – an individual who made a difference?

Hello everyone

We have been thinking about individuals who have made a difference in our lives, in school, in history and in the world that we live in today.  Steve Jobs passed away on October 5 2011.

‘Apple has lost a visionary and creative genius, and the world has lost an amazing human being’.

How do you think Steve Jobs made a difference to the world we live in?


Filed under KS3 History, Year 8

KS3: Trips & Visits 2011-2012

Hello everyone,

In these long, dark evenings there is something to look forward to next Spring and Summer…

A number of educational trips and visits have been planned for the forthcoming year. So, book a date in your diary for:

Year 8 – Norman Outreach Team in February 2012; Carrickfergus Castle in June 2012.

Year 10 – The Titanic Story, Laganside (including a sponsored 1 hour boat trip of the harbour) in May 2012.

I will keep you posted!

Mrs Reid

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Filed under KS3 History

Year 12 – GCSE History Revision

Hello everyone

This is the final, busiest and most important year of  your school life to date.  You have all been working enthusiastically and diligently this term! Well done…

However it is never too early to start revision in preparation for your December ‘Mocks’.

Make sure that you have registered for the school’s VLE (Moodle) and visit it regularly. It can be accessed via the school’s website or at  I have uploaded lots of useful website links, directing you towards some fantastic resources to help you with your revision.

You can also email or ‘blog’ me with any questions or problems that you encounter.

The key to success is preparation – Review, review, review!

Good luck and remember … never, never, never, give up.

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Filed under KS4 History, Year 11, Year 12

Year 10 – The sinking of Titanic: Who was to blame for the tragedy?

April 14th 2012 will mark the 100 year anniversary of the fateful night when the R.M.S. Titanic, bound from Southampton to New York, on her Maiden Voyage, collided with an iceberg in the North Atlantic.  A total of 1,503 people died, including passengers and crew; only 705 people survived.

The sinking of a passenger liner on her maiden voyage, the high loss of life and media frenzy over Titanic’s famous victims, the legends about the sinking, the resulting changes in maritime law, and the discovery of the wreck have all contributed to the enduring interest in Titanic.

You have completed a detailed enquiry into the disasterous sinking of Titanic- who do you think was to blame for such a tragedy?


Filed under KS3 History, Year 10

Year 11 – Unit 1 Test

Hi everyone

Just wanted to remind you all of your class test scheduled for Friday 21 October. Remember it is on everything that we have covered from September – Unit 1: The Aftermath of World War One and the Weimar Republic.

Make sure that you cover the impact of the war on Germany; Treaty of Versailles; weaknesses of the Weimar Republic and challenges it faced; Hyperinflation crisis and the Munich Putsch.

Good luck and happy revising!

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Filed under KS4 History, Year 11